HERS Walk/Run or Yoga

Fremont, CA

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

Funda Dervisoglu $5,666.04
Gloria Poole $1,249.14
NSaraogi $907.11
Suzanne Masukawa $900.53
Frances Freska Griarte $723.07
Christina Higashida $402.02
Kristin Spitz $301.91
Cindy Wasson $133.61
Maria Devassy $106.70
PATRICK NG $100.64

Top Teams


I am a breast cancer surviror. Several of my immediate family members have not been so lucky. As I get older my priorites and values are changing.  This year being an active volunteer for Her's is important enough to get me to reach out to friends and family for donations.  I don't usually feel comfortable enough to ask directly for donations, but this year I decided to step outside my comfort zone and see what happens.  I hope you will make a donation, small or large, to Her's.  I am grateful for the group of women that I have worked with as a volunteer.  Please help provide an essential items and care to those who may not be able to afford them.  Enjoy each day!  Gloria

My Contributors

Gennie Gage $25.00
Yvonne Hull $25.00
Bonnie Gaboury $106.70
Susan McClure $10.00
Denise Parham $26.91
victoria fontenot $25.00
Dena Phinney $25.00
amanda anderson $50.00
Maggie Turner $500.00
Lucetta Williamson $20.00
Deanna Ford $53.51
Sue Lueck $53.51
Leslie Becker $50.00
Marian Langford $53.51
SusAnn Jarvis $50.00
Dora Cunningham $50.00
Nadine Watson $50.00
Gloria Poole $50.00
Trust Guard Security Scanned