HERS Breast Cancer Foundation’s 5/10K Run/Walk/Yoga and Community Expo
Rally your family, friends, and neighbors to raise funds in support of HERS Assistance Programs! Join us and ensure that low income and under-insured breast cancer patients have access to the post-surgical products they need and deserve!

Course ~
Both the 5 & 10K are scenic runs through the packed gravel trails circling through Quarry Lakes Park. Please note that the course is not USATF certified. The distance has been measured and is approximate. No bikes or skateboards are allowed on the course. Walkers follow same course as 5 runners.
Regular Price - until midnight September 23rd, 2022
Adult (age 18+, finishers medal, t-shirt, lunch) $45
Youth (age 12-17, finishers medal, no t-shirt, lunch) $20
Littles (under age 12, finishers medal, no t-shirt, lunch) $5
Late Registration - September 24th, 2022
Adult (age18+, finishers medal, t-shirt, lunch) $50
Youth (age 12-17, finishers medal, no t-shirt, lunch) $25
Littles (under age12, finishers medal, no t-shirt, lunch) $10
No refunds,
Event Time Yoga - suggested donation of $20 (no medal or t-shirt)
Create a FUNDRAISING PAGE to collection donations and make a bigger impact. Click here
DONATE to an individual or team Click Here.
The money raised via donations and fundraising goes to support our Assistance Programs that provide specialty bras, prostheses, wigs, and lymphedema garments that help individuals heal and feel whole after breast cancer treatment.

Awards ~
Presented to the top runners in each event (5K and 10K Run). Medals three deep (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) in the following age groups:
5K Run ~ 13 & under, 14-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 & 80+
10K Run ~ 18 & under, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 & 70+
T-Shirts ~
Participants age 18 years + receive a free t-shirt as part of their registration. If you register on the day of the event, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a t-shirt so be sure to register early.
Event Schedule~
8:00 to 10:00 am – Check-in/Race Day registration; Community Expo and light breakfast available.
9:00 am – Opening Ceremony including “Elaine’s Circle”, a special tribute in memory and honor of Breast Cancer Survivors
9:45 am – Bollywood Warmup with Shameem Z. of Xtrim Bollywood
10:00 am – 10K Runners start
10:15 am – 5K Runners start
10:20 am – 5K Walkers start
10:25 am - Yoga Session start
11 am to 12 pm – Barbecue Lunch (vegetarian option available)
For Group/Corporate Rate of 10 participants or more, please contact Kandee Aiton at